Charlie Bavington - C Bavington Ltd

French to English Translation Services

Meeting translation needs since 2003

Photo of Marseillan Port

Translation subject areas covered by C Bavington Ltd


The following list shows the subject areas and typical documents and content which I am most comfortable handling myself, from French into English.
For other subject areas and/or other languages, I avail myself of the services of experienced and trusted colleagues working in those areas and/or languages:

Information Technology

With 15 years of experience in the computing industry both using and writing I.T. documentation of all kinds, I understand both sides of the IT documentation picture, offering clients genuine and practical added-value. The following is a list of some of the categories of IT documentation translated in the last few years.

  • Cybersecurity, IT security more generally, computer usage policies
  • Service provision contracts, software licensing agreements, service level agreements, maintenance procedures
  • Business continuity/recovery plans
  • Project management
  • Complete I.T. project lifecycle documentation:
          - Feasibility study
          - System design and architecture
          - Invitations to tender
          - Software selection documentation
          - Business requirements specifications, system specifications, program specifications, test scenarios
          - Technical guides e.g. common modules, technical procedures (file transfer, etc.)
          - User guides, help screens, training sheets, etc.
  • Press releases (e.g. new software products), customer testimonials
  • Insurance

  • Credit insurance policies
  • Surety contracts, bonds and guarantees
  • Company health insurance and incapacity benefits
  • Property insurance policies
  • Policies and schedules of conditions
  • Loss-adjuster reports
  • Legal

    I have successfully combined a background in credit insurance with legal study modules and an interest in the law generally to provide translations of commercial contracts in general.

  • Contracts for sale of goods/services
  • Confidentiality agreements
  • Employment contracts
  • Schedules of conditions (e.g. for tenders)
  • Leases for buildings and equipment
  • General commercial/corporate

    My general business background stretches as far back as my degree in Business Administration, which covered a wide range of corporate management fields. While working in computing, the applications on which I worked were often closely related to business management in the wide sense - accounting & finance, HR, production workflows and so on - so much of this foundation has never been lost, and indeed has been built on. Hence C Bavington Ltd is happy to handle translations on (for example):

  • Financial documents (annual reports, financial analysis), competition reports
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (including codes of conduct and similar)
  • Property management (valuations, certification, promotional materials)
  • Guides and procedures
  • Human resources (e.g. recruitment, contracts), works' councils, in-house newsletters and policies (e.g. on packaging)
  • Outside the world of commerce, C Bavington Ltd can also offer you translation services connected to my own areas of interest, including:

  • Sport (particularly football)
  • Music (particularly rock and metal)
  • History (particularly medieval)
  • Philately and postal history (particularly the postage stamps of France)

    Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your particular needs.

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    Registered in England and Wales. No. 07989290
    Registered office: 10 Longmore Avenue, East Barnet EN4 8AF

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