Charlie Bavington - C Bavington Ltd

French to English Translation Services

Meeting translation needs since 2003

Photo of Marseillan Port

On April 30, 2008, a Portuguese man born in August 1946 was kind enough to attempt to answer a question on a forum regarding the term "logiciel specifique", suggesting "specific software package".

Although the forum provides space to respond to such answerers, I did not do so.
I merely added a comment about the question, intended for the asker of the question, who was pondering the merits of the term "package".
My comment (actually 2 comments, to be read together) was simply this:
"Software does not have to be in a package. At the same time, you should be aware that IT authors do not always use the exact terminology that perhaps they should. You need to fully understand what is going on and use the right term accordingly, as sometimes logiciel and progiciel are just used synonymously, to mean either one. Any more clues as to which it is? Or is it really two different things?"

Within 2 hours of posting that comment, the following exchange started in the personal messaging area of the website in question. The Portuguese man, approaching 62 years of age, lest we forget, adopted the moniker "RealBlunt" as a username for this website, ostensibly for professional translators. He claims to offer translation services into and out of English.

Under the title "...thanks for teaching me...", I had the pleasure of reading this missive from RealBlunt (30 April, 16:09):

" Software does not have to be in a package. At the same time, you should be aware that IT authors do not always use the exact terminology that perhaps they should." ...yes mother...why don't you give the right answer?

To which I replied (30 April, 16:17): I would have thought it perfectly clear from the two comments I made taken together that from the information provided it is not possible to give a "right answer". What's rattled your cage anyway?

RealBlunt replied with (30 April, 16:29):

...and what gives you the right to patronize ?...if you got nothing better to say...don't. Its obvious no?

Perhaps I should have let it go, but I didn't, and replied at some length later that evening: (30 April, 22:11)
1. I don't see anything patronising. I merely briefly explained to someone who was obviously relying heavily on a dictionary, that while logiciel & progiciel are strictly speaking different, they are often used interchangeably, and you can only tell what the situation is from the full document, which I why I haven't offered an actual answer. I thought that this information was indeed more helpful than saying nothing. Still, I am pleased that you have learned something.

2. My remarks were not addressed to you. The feature I used is called "Ask ASKER", not "comment to Answerer".

3. Why have you got a user name that is a drugs reference? Do you find it helps you get work? Just wondered... :-)
Have a lovely evening

The next day, I read (confused quoting and spelling left as it was) (May 1, 12:27):

"...not addressed to you..." I recieved it in my email. still don't say anything better...than the answers, so I realy learned nothing from you.
You go on trying to patronise...may be Freud can help you.
Realblunt is a drugs reference?...dont isn't my world.
...really in the net we often find the small dimension of the human kind!
...Try to redimension...

Before I had replied to that, I received a reply to the message before (May 1, 14:08):

..."What's rattled your cage anyway"? ... is this a animal world?...

My own quick reply to that was (1 May, 16:14):
Since you claim English as both a source and target language, I politely suggest that you research this very common idiom.

I then replied to his earlier message, saying (1 May, 16:25)
Well, I daresay you received it in your email since it was a comment added to a question you had answered. Rest assured it was nothing intentional on my part. Must be your email notification settings.

As for not understanding why or how "realblunt" could be a drugs reference, once again, I point out that you have listed English as a source and target, so it is not unreasonable to think you might have some knowledge of slang. Of course, none of us can know everything, so at the very least, if you are going to choose a username in a language other than your native tongue, do some research into possible unintended meanings. And then try to tell me that you have learned nothing from this exchange of messages :-)

If I had the faintest idea what you meant by "try to redimension", I would gladly give it a go :-)

RealBlunt's reply was, once again, to the message before (May 1, 20:44):

...blunt Instrument...tells you something...or literature is a desert for you?
try to redimention...just need to look it up in the English Dic

Then, two minutes later, another (May 1, 20:46): got out of the animal world where you were when you wrote: "..."What's rattled your cage anyway"?

I stopped. I was getting nowhere. At the time, I did not know he was 61 years old, so I suppose it is only natural he knows little about drug culture. I note, however, that almost a year later, he continues to use that username. As to "blunt instrument" - what is positive about that, anyway? I really wanted to continue the discussion, but his pointed refusal to engage in a logically sequenced debate frustrated me beyond measure. Still, Manuel, if you ever read this, let me know, and we can discuss the connotations of blunt instrument in a translation context, what exactly redimension means when referring to people, and my undoubted shortcomings in terms of experience with the world of literature.

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